A ten­ta­tive set­tle­ment has been apparet­ntly reached on the emi­nent domain peti­tion filed last fall in Henry County Com­mon Pleas Court by Napoleon Area Schools Board of Edu­ca­tion.

The peti­tion involved 56.266 acres located off West­more­land Street in Napoleon across from the high school stu­dent park­ing lot.

Details of the set­tle­ment amount have not been pub­licly dis­closed, pend­ing final dis­po­si­tion.

School offi­cials want to build a new dis­trictwide ele­men­tary school on the prop­erty.

The peti­tion was filed by the board under its statu­tory emi­nent domain author­ity to appro­pri­ate land after it was unable to nego­ti­ate an agree­ment with the owner regard­ing price. The board had offered to pay $360,000 but that offer was rejected.

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