Shotgun Thieves Identified

The Lenawee County Sheriff’s Depart­ment says that, thanks to tips, two sus­pects have been iden­ti­fied and are cur­rently in police cus­tody in con­nec­tion with the theft of a shot­gun from an Adrian sports store ear­lier this month.

Their names have not yet been released, but accord­ing to inves­ti­ga­tors, the two are the same two guys who were seen on sur­veil­lance video at the sport­ing goods store on North Adrian Hwy.

Offi­cers say one of them dis­tracted a clerk while the other man took a 12-gauge shot­gun from a sales rack, checked to see if any­one was look­ing and then stuck the shot­gun down his pants and just walked out of the store.

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