Council Meets In Defiance

Defi­ance City Coun­cil on Tues­day night, got an update on eco­nomic devel­op­ment mat­ters, took action on two rou­tine leg­isla­tive mat­ters, and was informed that an annual parks cleanup day has been resched­uled. In the first case, it was learned that ET Rover Pipeline, which plans to spend about $4.3 bil­lion to build new pipelines to trans­port nat­ural gas through Ohio, is look­ing for a tem­po­rary stor­age site. Because the new pipelines will come through our area, and include a new com­pres­sor sta­tion on Ohio 66 north of Defi­ance, the com­pany needs a stag­ing area for equip­ment and mate­ri­als. ET Rover would like to lease prop­erty for a year or year-and-a-half, and is look­ing for 100 acres. Coun­cil also learned that 69 pos­si­ble trans­porta­tion projects in Defi­ance, Ful­ton, Henry, Pauld­ing and Williams coun­ties have been iden­ti­fied and ranked. The “higher ranked” ones in Defi­ance County include a recre­ational trail along County Road 424 from Clin­ton Street to Inde­pen­dence State Park, the widen­ing of Ohio 66 north from Elliott Road to Defi­ance Metal Prod­ucts … and Com­merce Drive east exten­sion to (Ohio) 281. And finally, coun­cil learned that Defiance’s Clean Up Your Parks Day has been resched­uled to April 11 from 9:30–11:30 a.m. If you want to take part, just bring tools like rakes and shov­els to a city park of your choos­ing that day.

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