Court House Renovation Delays

Some delays in the final work at the Defi­ance County Cour­t­house.

Offices which had planned to move to tem­po­rary quar­ters this month while the cour­t­house is being ren­o­vated won’t be mov­ing now until some­time in late Sep­tem­ber.

That means the planned bid open­ing date is now pushed back as well. Bids were expected to be opened, and a con­tract was planned to have been awarded this month for the $4.65 Mil­lion ren­o­va­tion project at the court house.

Work was set to begin this sum­mer.

The delay stems from the fact that the com­mon pleas court, probate/juvenile court and clerk of courts office had been sched­uled to move tem­porar­ily to the for­mer munic­i­pal court build­ing in Defi­ance on July 18–20. But that building’s ele­va­tor isn’t oper­at­ing prop­erly, and work to get it going now will delay the move until the week of Sept. 22.

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