Tough Job To Get IN Jail In Some Cases

Not too many peo­ple want to go to jail, but Amy Peters is beg­ging to get in.

Accord­ing to The Courier, the 45 year old Peters was sen­tenced to five days in jail in Jan­u­ary 2013 for dri­ving with a sus­pended license, but she was then denied entry to the Han­cock County jail because of over­crowd­ing.

She’s now tried to get in 16 times, and each time she gets the same answer… no room.

Peters says all she wants to do is server her time and get it over with. She says being in limbo is stalling her life.

Mean­while, accord­ing to an inves­tiga­tive report by the paper, Court doc­u­ments show it is becom­ing much harder, espe­cially for many women, to serve time for crimes rang­ing from felony domes­tic vio­lence to a mis­de­meanor charge of petty theft.

29 year old Mon­ica Urdiales of Hol­gate, has been try­ing to serve her four-day sen­tence for aggra­vated dis­or­derly con­duct for nearly two years.

She was con­victed in August 2012, denied work-release instead of jail, and was turned away for the 17th time on June 9.

And 62 year old Betty Tay­lor of Find­lay was rejected for the 18th time in June. Tay­lor is try­ing to serve 10 days for an Octo­ber 2012 con­vic­tion for fail­ing to stop after an acci­dent. Her next attempt is sched­uled for some­time today.

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