Courthouse Work Could Begin Soon

Work on the $1.5 mil­lion cour­t­house roof recon­struc­tion project could begin later this year, accord­ing to the Bryan Times, which reports that a ten­ta­tive bid sched­ule was laid out and agreed to Mon­day by county com­mis­sion­ers.
Com­mis­sion­ers ten­ta­tively agreed to adver­tise for con­trac­tor bids later this month, and set Oct. 15 as the bid-opening date. Work will then begin once bids are opened and accepted. Accord­ing to the paper, cold weather wouldn’t nec­es­sar­ily pre­vent work from begin­ning because much of the work can be per­formed inside the build­ing. The plans are in response to the ongo­ing roof leaks that have been a prob­lem at the cour­t­house for way too many years. The leaks have dam­aged offices and con­tents. Com­mis­sion­ers also dis­cussed replac­ing the flag­pole on top of the cour­t­house roof. The old flag­pole had to be taken down last year because the wooden frame­work that held it in place had dete­ri­o­rated, cre­at­ing a safety hazard.

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