Crime Stoppers Seeking Info

Ful­ton County Crime Stop­pers are ask­ing for your help.

On Nov. 30, a home owner on Ful­ton County Road E in Swan­ton, reported that some­one broke into an unat­tached garage and stole an Elec­trolux stain­less steel elec­tric range; an Elec­trolux stain­less steel French door refrig­er­a­tor; a Frigidaire white top load washer; a Frigidaire white gas dryer; a Frigidaire black dish­washer; a Frigidaire stain­less steel microwave; and a Broan kitchen stove hood vent.

Also stolen were a cir­cu­lar saw, a sawzall, and a drill. The total loss was esti­mated at more than $7,000.

If you have any infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing this crime that could lead to an arrest and indict­ment, con­tact the Ful­ton County Crime Stop­per hot­line, 1–800-255‑1122. You could be eli­gi­ble for a reward of up to $1,000 cash, and you can remain con­fi­den­tial and anonymous.

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