United Way Well On It’s Way

The fund rais­ing cam­paign of United Way of Williams County is close to the halfway point.

As of Wednes­day, the Bryan Times reported that the cam­paign stood at 44.8 per­cent of this year’s $320,000 goal, with $143,361 counted so far.

The money will help fund 28 local orga­ni­za­tions, pro­grams and agen­cies in the com­ing year, with 93 per­cent of dona­tions to United Way of Williams County passed on to local agen­cies, and only 7 per­cent used for admin­is­tra­tion.

New to the local United Way this year is an effort to pro­vide per­sonal care items to Williams County res­i­dents.

The top five needs are bar soap, sham­poo, deodor­ant, toi­let paper and toothpaste-toothbrushes.

The United Way of Williams County office is in the for­mer New Era-ARO indus­trial cam­pus at 520 W. Mul­berry St.

Dona­tion links for the local United Way are avail­able online at www.unitedwaywc.org. Dona­tions also may be mailed to United Way at P.O. Box 525, Bryan, OH 43506. The office may be reached by dial­ing 419–636-8603.

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