DAV Post Sold In Defiance

Three build­ings that were owned by the Defi­ance chap­ter of the DAV were sold at auc­tion Sat­ur­day morn­ing.

The high­est bid­der was Char­lene Grant of Defi­ance, who paid $130,000 for all the build­ings and about 4–1/2 acres of prop­erty, accord­ing to the Cres­cent News.

Some­where between 35–40 peo­ple showed up at the auc­tion, and in the end, it was between two bid­ders — Char­lene Grant and Pete Schlegel.

Fol­low­ing the auc­tion, Grant said that her daugh­ter, Melissa Grant, has some ideas about what she wants to do with the build­ings, includ­ing pos­si­bly using them as rentals for wed­ding recep­tions and other events.

The local DAV chap­ter is down­siz­ing due to decreas­ing mem­ber­ship and expenses asso­ci­ated with the build­ings.

Another 11 acres behind the build­ings was sold last year to Dave Mick of Defi­ance, who will use it for farmland.

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