Horsemens Buffet

The Defi­ance County Area Horse­men Asso­ci­a­tion announces that they are hold­ing their annual reverse raf­fle din­ner at 6 p.m. on Sat­ur­day, March 29 at the Defi­ance Knights of Colum­bus hall.

All money raised dur­ing the night’s events will go toward har­ness rac­ing at the Defi­ance County Fair.

Seats are lim­ited and only 250 tick­ets will be sold at $50 each.

Included will be an all you can eat buf­fet and a chance to win the grand prize of $1500, sec­ond prize of $600, or third prize of $300. Other cash prizes will be awarded too, along with gift bas­kets. There will be a cash bar.

If you’d like to attend, call Chris for tick­ets at 419–393-4119.

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