Death Penalty Not An Option For Noffsinger

If Steven Noff­singer is found guilty, he won’t be fac­ing the death penalty. That option was taken off the table Mon­day dur­ing a pre­trial hear­ing for the 58 year old Defi­ance res­i­dent who is accused of mur­der­ing his then 29 year old ex-wife, Alma Noff­singer back in 1981.

Also dur­ing Monday’s hear­ing, Noff­singer waived his right to a speedy trial.

The Noff­singer case has attracted national media atten­tion after it was fea­tured on TNT’s “Cold Jus­tice” last month. As part of the agree­ment for the cold case inves­ti­ga­tion to be filmed, the Pauld­ing County Sheriff’s Office was given a team of sea­soned cold case pros­e­cu­tors and crime scene inves­ti­ga­tors to help with the case for a few days. That resulted in Noffsinger’s arrest on August 1.

The next hear­ing in the case is now set for Novem­ber 26th in Pauld­ing County Court.

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