Defiance jazz festival plans underway

This year’s Take Me to the Rivers Jazz Fes­ti­val is going to be held in down­town Defi­ance again this year on June 18th. After hav­ing to move the event from Kings­bury Park due to flood­ing, orga­niz­ers noticed the loca­tion is more acces­si­ble and drew more par­tic­i­pants who need that. The event is hop­ing to grow and draw jazz lovers from Toledo, Michi­gan and Indi­ana. The fes­ti­val may be able to tap into fund­ing from the Ohio Arts Coun­cil, which has report­edly indi­cated an inter­est in being involved. No per­form­ers have been announced yet, but orga­niz­ers promise a great line-up.

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