Defiance Trustees Meet

Defi­ance Town­ship trustees, at their recent May meet­ing, dis­cussed res­cue and fire con­tracts with the city of Defi­ance and road projects. The fire con­tract cov­ers ser­vice in the rural sec­tion of the town­ship.

Quar­terly pay­ments will total $13,414. The res­cue ser­vice con­tract remains at $30,000 plus insur­ance col­lec­tions.

Trustees also reviewed pro­posed 2013 road projects, includ­ing the rebuild­ing of Ham­mer­smith Road, from Singer Road to Ohio 111. That project will take place over a three-year period start­ing in 2013 at a total expense in this year’s bud­get at approx­i­mately $42,327.50.

The Trustees’ June meet­ing will be held on June 25 in the sec­ond floor con­fer­ence room of the county com­mis­sion­ers build­ing in Defiance.

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