Non Profit Deal Shielded

Pro­ceeds of the state’s $1.5 bil­lion liquor deal with a job-creation non­profit would be shielded from pub­lic audit under a late addi­tion to a fast-tracked bill now headed to the governor’s desk.

The move is meant to clear up an ongo­ing dis­pute over whether the state audi­tor has the author­ity to review cer­tain finan­cial records of Job­sO­hio, a pri­vate entity formed by Repub­li­can Gov. John Kasich and approved by state law­mak­ers to spur eco­nomic devel­op­ment in the state.

The GOP-dominated Sen­ate passed the mea­sure on a 22–10 vote Thurs­day, despite objec­tions from state Audi­tor Dave Yost, a fel­low Repub­li­can. The Gov­er­nor is expected to sign the bill.

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