Doc credited with saving man’s life in Steuben County

A man who col­lapsed while square danc­ing has an Urgent Care physi­cian to thank for likely sav­ing his life. The inci­dent hap­pened on Sep­tem­ber 25th at the YMCA of Steuben County. Dr Wilmer Iler was there with his wife, as they were each week for dance class. Another man who looked pale, said he felt okay, but later, he passed out. Dr Iler per­formed CPR while some­one else in atten­dance got a defrib­ril­la­tor. The man had no pulse until Dr. Iler put the defrib­ril­la­tor pads on him and shocked him. An ambu­lance arrived and tok the man to a hos­pi­tal in Fort Wayne. He is said to be recov­er­ing after surgery.

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