Pur­chas­ing dog tags in Defi­ance will no longer be an annual require­ment for dog own­ers.

The Defi­ance County dog war­den informed Defi­ance County Com­mis­sion­ers Thurs­day that a bill recently passed in the Ohio House will allow the pur­chase of three-year or per­ma­nent dog tags.

County res­i­dents will be required to pur­chase one year, three-year, per­ma­nent and vicious dog tags.

The county is in the process of deter­min­ing how to imple­ment the changes, includ­ing the amount to charge for the three-year and per­ma­nent tags. Imple­men­ta­tion of the changes con­tained in this bill will cost the county a bit more because addi­tional tags have to be pur­chased, and admin­is­tra­tive costs will increase.

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