Door To Door Peddlers In Bryan Will Have To Pay More

Some changes are in store for those plan­ning to sell door to door in Bryan. For any­one who attempts to do it with­out the proper paper­work, it will be rather costly too. Recent action by City Coun­cil included dis­cus­sion regard­ing the amend­ments to the local ordi­nance as it per­tains to door to door sales, includ­ing solic­i­tors, can­vassers, and ped­dlers. Now, the price of a per­mit to do that kind of thing in Bryan is going up from $25 to $50, and that would only allow one per­son to go door to door for only one month. The move comes after it was learned that many other local munic­i­pal­i­ties appar­ently charge as much as $100 for the same type of thing. The penalty for doing it ille­gally will also be increased, from a minor mis­de­meanor to a fourth degree mis­de­meanor. The changes will not how­ever, affect events like the Williams County Farm­ers Mar­ket, or any­one work­ing on behalf of char­i­ta­ble dona­tions. The issue is expected to be fur­ther dis­cussed at the next coun­cil meeting.

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