This week­end you can get rid of your unused and expired pre­scrip­tion drugs dur­ing the Drug Enforce­ment Administration’s national drug take-back event.

Sev­eral local law enforce­ment agen­cies will be par­tic­i­pat­ing.

The event is being held from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat­ur­day. Med­ica­tions in pill form will be accepted, but liq­uids and syringes will not. The ser­vice is free and anony­mous.

In Defi­ance County, pre­scrip­tion drugs can be dropped off at the Defi­ance County Sheriff’s Office and Hicksville Police Depart­ment.

The Henry County Sheriff’s Office will also be col­lect­ing at the office in Napoleon.

Sites in Ful­ton County include: Arch­bold Police Depart­ment; Wauseon Police Depart­ment; and Wal­mart; Fayette Police Depart­ment at the Fayette Vil­lage Offices; and Delta Police Depart­ment at Delta Memo­r­ial Hall.

In Put­nam County, drugs may be dropped off at the Con­ti­nen­tal Fire Depart­ment and the Kalida Fire Depart­ment. Drugs may also be dropped off any time at a per­ma­nent drop box located in the main lobby of Put­nam County Sheriff’s Office in Ottawa.

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