CCNO is over­crowded and deal­ing with over­crowd­ing was the main topic of con­ver­sa­tion at Wednesday’s meet­ing of the Cor­rec­tions Com­mis­sion of North­west Ohio.

Wednesday’s inmate pop­u­la­tion stood at 582 or 91 per­cent. The pop­u­la­tion aver­aged 582 or 91 per­cent in Feb­ru­ary and stood at 585 or 92 per­cent in March. CCNO offi­cials say that the pop­u­la­tion is slow­ing increas­ing.

While the inmate pop­u­la­tion is on the increase, offi­cials say there is still room to place eli­gi­ble par­tic­i­pants on the elec­tronic mon­i­tor­ing pro­gram.

They say that 10 years ago, both work release and com­mu­nity pub­lic works par­tic­i­pants were on the increase. Those same par­tic­i­pants are now eli­gi­ble for elec­tronic mon­i­tor­ing and fewer num­bers are being incarcerated.

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