Eagle Scout

A young man from Stryker has reached the pin­na­cle of achieve­ment in the Boy Scouts. Hunter Clinga­man, a mem­ber of Troop 79 in Stryker, is now an Eagle Scout. He received his award yes­ter­day.

Hunter joined scout­ing ten years ago as a mem­ber of Stryker Cub Scout Pack 3079.

Hunter earned his way up to Life Scout. He was elected to the Order of the Arrow in 2008.

Dur­ing his years in scout­ing, Hunter has par­tic­i­pated in many com­mu­nity ser­vice projects such as the annual Scout­ing for Food dri­ves and work­ing with the vil­lage of Stryker on the Knight’s Land­ing project.

Hunter’s Eagle project, accord­ing to the Bryan Times, was the design and con­struc­tion of a cement walk­way around the flag pole at Knight’s Land­ing in Stryker. Two memo­r­ial mark­ers also were installed as part of the project, one com­mem­o­rat­ing William J. Knight for whom the land­ing is named. The other marker is in honor of the Stryker Boy Scouts who have con­structed their Eagle projects at Knight’s Land­ing.

Hunter is the son of Jamie and Dawn Clinga­man of Stryker, and is a senior at Stryker High School. His future plans include North­west State Com­mu­nity Col­lege where he plans to major in engineering.

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