The Edger­ton Vil­lage Coun­cil met Mon­day and an offi­cial from the state auditor’s office addressed them, con­firm­ing that the vil­lage does meet the cri­te­ria for fis­cal emer­gency.

The state offi­cial told coun­cil, accord­ing to the Bryan Times, that when this hap­pens, there is often fear of the state tak­ing full con­trol of the village’s finances, but that’s not the case. The state audi­tor will mon­i­tor with finan­cial over­sight, but it does not change the respon­si­bil­ity of the mayor or the vil­lage coun­cil.

The state’s role, accord­ing to the auditor’s spokesper­son, is to help the vil­lage put together a com­pre­hen­sive plan and time­line for tak­ing cor­rec­tive action before it is too late.

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