Edgerton Eyes Action Against Homeowners Who Don’t Clear Snow

Edger­ton Vil­lage Coun­cil met Mon­day evening.

The meet­ing wasn’t really all that long either accord­ing to the Bryan Times.

Vil­lage Admin­is­tra­tor Kevin Brooks told coun­cil that snow removal let­ters have gone out to offend­ing home­own­ers who are not clear­ing their walks. The vil­lage plans to watch that sit­u­a­tion. Plans are to first tag the non com­pli­ant res­i­dences. If that doesn’t work, then the offend­ing prop­erty own­ers will receive a let­ter detail­ing their vio­la­tion.

Brooks told coun­cil despite a very high rate of over­time due to vil­lage employ­ees deal­ing with all the storms, the village’s deficit did not grow.

Coun­cil also at last night’s meet­ing, approved the third read­ing and pas­sage of an ordi­nance allow­ing Ohio Gas to main­tain, oper­ate, extend and repair the gas dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem through­out the village.

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