The old ele­men­tary school on Michi­gan Avenue in Edger­ton is now offi­cially the new vil­lage office, after vil­lage employ­ees moved in last week.

The vil­lage offices were for­merly in the his­toric town hall, which was destroyed in a June 2010 storm, and then in the for­mer mid­dle school build­ing on East River Street.

What once was a band room is now the coun­cil cham­ber.

There’s a new police-fire train­ing room with Inter­net, Pow­er­Point pro­jec­tors, white boards, chalk boards and bul­letin boards.

The old school gym­na­sium is still exactly as it was when it was a school. Noth­ing has changed there. The gym will be opened for pub­lic use later this sum­mer.

Also, play­ground equip­ment is still avail­able out­side.

The Bryan Times reports that Edger­ton Vil­lage coun­cil is also work­ing out a plan to lease eight empty rooms upstairs.

The ren­o­va­tion cost to the vil­lage was $800,000.

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