Two local school dis­tricts plan to share ser­vices in order to save money.

On Mon­day, The Edon North­west Board of Edu­ca­tion approved a plan to share trea­surer and psy­chol­o­gist ser­vices with Edger­ton Local Schools.

The change for will go into effect July 1st. Edon Trea­surer and Chief Finan­cial Offi­cer Kerry Sam­ples will serve both dis­tricts, sav­ing each dis­trict $36,000 annu­ally.

The Bryan Times reports that board mem­bers also agreed to share ser­vices with Edger­ton for Psy­chol­o­gist Tammy Bostel­man, also effec­tive July 1.

Edgerton’s school board still needs to approve the mea­sures to make them final.

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