The Edger­ton Police Depart­ment has a new crime fight­ing tool, and it didn’t cost them much of any­thing accord­ing to the Bryan Times.

West Unity’s old ambu­lance had been put to use by Edger­ton Police as a tac­ti­cal response vehi­cle. Police say the old ambu­lance is not set up to be used as a com­mand post and a com­mu­ni­ca­tions hub on wheels. The best part… it only cost Edger­ton $138. All other costs have been donated.

Police say that as a com­mand post, the truck’s on-board com­puter can link into school sur­veil­lance cam­eras. Once that’s all set up, police will be able to spot the bad guys before they go inside and guide teams into posi­tion to stop them in the event of an emer­gency.

Hutch’s Tow­ing of Hol­i­day City towed the vehi­cle over to Edger­ton.

Chris Ober­lin, Bryan Engine Repair, donated parts to fix it and Cookie Car­ri­ers of But­ler, donated the labor.

Ed Perry of Ed Perry Exca­vat­ing, Edger­ton, and Best-One Tire and Ser­vice, Bryan, donated new tires.

Mohre Elec­tron­ics, Blakeslee, donated radios and labor for insta­la­tion.

Jason Dietsch, of Dietsch’s Col­li­sion and Cus­toms, donated the body work and his wife Jen­nifer, through Dietsch Signs, donated all the graph­ics.

Cape Farms, Edger­ton, donated a work­shop for stor­age and assem­bly through­out the re-design process.

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