Meet­ing in reg­u­lar ses­sion Mon­day evening, Edger­ton Vil­lage Coun­cil dis­cussed con­cerns res­i­dents had about the pro­posed change in trash ser­vice. Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the village’s cur­rent con­tracts for trash and recy­cling pick-up, along with the two large trash pick-ups, cost the vil­lage approx­i­mately $30,000 a year.

Because of the village’s bud­get deficit, plans are being made to can­cel the village’s con­tracts with its two cur­rent ser­vice providers and replace them with one ser­vice provider who will bill res­i­dents directly.

Opt­ing out will not be a choice in res­i­den­tial neigh­bor­hoods.

If a res­i­dent lets trash pile up, the vil­lage will remove it and then will file a lien on the prop­erty.

Esti­mates are that the vil­lage will elim­i­nate $80,000 of the deficit annu­ally for the next three years by mak­ing the switch.

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