More peo­ple are leav­ing their jobs at Bryan Schools.

On Mon­day, The Bryan City Board of Edu­ca­tion accepted the retire­ment of four more staff mem­bers.

Retire­ment res­ig­na­tions were accepted from Rita Detwiler as grade three inter­ven­tion teacher after 35 years with the dis­trict, and Lana New­comer as school nurse after 28 years. Retire­ment res­ig­na­tions, with the intent to rehire, were approved for Todd Fruth, spe­cial edu­ca­tion super­vi­sor, after 17 years; and Debra Opdy­cke, speech and lan­guage pathol­o­gist, after 23 years.

The Bryan Times reports that this brings the total up to 16 staff mem­bers who now are leav­ing Bryan City Schools.

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