The vil­lage of Edon now has some­thing unique… an armored vehi­cle. That’s right, Edon now has an armored truck.

The truck came at no cost from the gov­ern­ment, but accord­ing to the Bryan Times, it did come with some con­tro­versy.

At Mon­day night’s meet­ing, Edon Vil­lage Coun­cil was informed that the vehi­cle was allo­cated to the vil­lage and will be con­verted to fit local needs by the police depart­ment. It will then be shared with other com­mu­ni­ties in the county for train­ing and response, but not for daily use.

Much dis­cus­sion, both pro and con, was done over the new vehi­cle. Those dis­cus­sions car­ried over into an hour-long exec­u­tive ses­sion in which coun­cil and the police chief dis­cussed secu­rity mat­ters.

Fol­low­ing the meet­ing, Edon Mayor Dar­lene Burkhardt released this state­ment:

“We are pleased to have received a grant of a very valu­able piece of equip­ment and com­mu­nity resource. We are look­ing for­ward to explor­ing the best options for this use of this equip­ment through­out the county. We want to empha­size this item was acquired with­out the expen­di­tures of any local funds.”

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