Edon School Dispute Widens

A con­tract dis­pute involv­ing the Edon School Board and the Edon North­west Teach­ers Asso­ci­a­tion…

Edon Super­in­ten­dent Ed Ewers issued

In a a press release issued Wednes­day by the Edon Super­in­ten­dent, it was stated that the two sides have not yet reached an agree­ment on the teacher’s con­tract, despite the fact that teach­ers in the dis­trict have been work­ing with­out a con­tract since June. On top of that, all dis­trict employ­ees have been work­ing under a hard wage freeze since way back in June of 2011.

Dis­trict offi­cials say it’s all because of what they are call­ing “finan­cial stress”, but now, the dis­pute has stirred up rumors locally about a poten­tial strike.

The future doesn’t look all that bright either, as the cur­rent five-year fore­cast which is the lat­est avail­able, shows a deficit of over $300,000 in fis­cal years 2013, 2014 and 2015, and the deficit is pro­jected to increase nearly $500,000 in fis­cal year 2018 and could leave the dis­trict with a car­ry­over bal­ance of under $50,000 with­out an influx of new money.

The Edon dis­trict cur­rently employs 41 teach­ers. The next con­tract nego­ti­a­tion meet­ing is now sched­uled for Oct. 14.

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