Williams Board Of Elections Meets

The Williams County Board of Elec­tions held their reor­ga­ni­za­tional meet­ing on Mon­day.

Scott Tow­ers if North­west Town­ship, will serve as the board’s chair­man.

Spring­field Town­ship res­i­dent Jeff Erb will serve as vice chair­man.

Paul Dug­gan of Bryan and Mark Fox of Spring­field Town­ship were re-appointed as board mem­bers.

Stephanie Shook will serve as the board’s direc­tor and Debra Prots, deputy direc­tor.

The Bryan Times reports that the Board of Elec­tions moved its oper­a­tions to the county’s East Annex office com­plex in Decem­ber, but the Sheriff’s Office and Emer­gency Man­age­ment Agency did not move until mid-February.

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