The Defi­ance Elks Lodge will com­mem­o­rate Vet­er­ans Day with its 12th annual break­fast fundraiser on Sun­day to ben­e­fit local vet­er­ans in assisted liv­ing or nurs­ing homes.

The break­fast is open to the pub­lic.

This year’s event is Sun­day from 8 a.m.-noon at the local lodge, 1760 S. Jef­fer­son Ave. in Defi­ance. All pro­ceeds from the free-will offer­ing will be used to pur­chase gift cards for local vet­er­ans who reside in assisted liv­ing or nurs­ing homes.

The menu includes egg casseroles, ham and sausage, bis­cuits and gravy, pan­cakes, toast, dough­nut holes, cof­fee, milk and orange juice.

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