The Henry County com­mis­sion­ers this week, approved an annex­a­tion request from Napoleon Area Schools for the annex­a­tion of 55.062 acres in the city of Napoleon.

The city had approved an emer­gency mea­sure on Oct. 9 con­sent­ing to the annex­a­tion and stat­ing that city ser­vices would be pro­vided to the annex­a­tion.

In other busi­ness this week, Henry County com­mis­sion­ers approved a demo­li­tion con­tract in the amount of $12,200 for a house located at 235 N. East St., McClure, as part of the Mov­ing Ohio For­ward pro­gram.

Com­mis­sion­ers also dis­cussed a cour­t­house con­trol project update on heat­ing and air con­di­tion­ing units. No action was taken and addi­tional infor­ma­tion still needs to be gath­ered.

A reminder that County offices will be closed Mon­day due for Vet­er­ans Day.

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