Emergency Prep Week Has Begun

This week is Severe Weather Aware­ness Week, and as part of that recog­ni­tion, a statewide tor­nado drill will be held on Wednes­day to test out­door sirens.

The statewide test will begin Wednes­day morn­ing at 9:50. State offi­cials are ask­ing all schools, busi­nesses, and homes to prac­tice their tor­nado drills and their own, local emer­gency plans.

At any time this week, if any­one notices a siren in any area that is not work­ing prop­erly, they are asked to con­tact author­i­ties imme­di­ately so that it can be cor­rected.

Other drills and pro­ce­dures will be held through­out the state on var­i­ous days all this week.

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