Fire In Defiance

We’ve cer­tainly had our share of fires this win­ter. There was another house fire in the area on Fri­day.

Defi­ance fire­fight­ers were called out Fri­day morn­ing to flames at a home on Wash­ing­ton Avenue. The first reports came in around 6:30 Fri­day morn­ing.

Accord­ing to the Cres­cent News, the flames were under con­trol within about two hours.

Every­one liv­ing in the home, includ­ing pets, were able to get out safely. No one was hurt. They are being helped by the Red Cross.

The home suf­fered approx­i­mately $55,000 in dam­ages and the cause of that Fri­day morn­ing blaze in Defi­ance remains under inves­ti­ga­tion today.

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