Facebook Nabbed Him!

Wauseon Police arrested 24 year old Kyle Stipp of Arch­bold Tues­day and charged him with first-degree aggra­vated rob­bery in con­nec­tion with a holdup at the Con­ti­nen­tal Drive Thru Carry Out in Waseon.

Police say Stipp used a gun in the rob­bery, and made off with some cash in the rob­bery that hap­pened back in May.

His luck ran out this week though, because the store had a video sys­tem which was able to get a good look at him. Police used that image in press releases and also on their Face­book page, which they say gen­er­ated between 15 and 20 calls a day for a time.

Police say with­out the help of the Face­book post­ing, they very well may have not made the arrest.

They say it’s a great tool and it costs tax­pay­ers absolutely noth­ing. They also say it is almost always very effective.

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