New Modernized Alert System Unveiled In Williams County

Williams County is work­ing on a new instant alert sys­tem, designed to get emer­gency infor­ma­tion out to peo­ple faster and more effi­ciently.

It’s being called, but don’t let the name fool you. It’s far from just another web­site.

Soon, it will be vis­i­ble every­where, and it will have it’s own QR code, so you can scan it directly into your iPhone or Droid.

You won’t have to do any­thing to be a part of it either… if you are one of the van­ish­ing few who actu­ally still has a land line num­ber listed the old fash­ioned way… the phone book.

Any num­ber in the phone book will be pre=registered in the sys­tem.

But if you still have a land line, and you have an unlisted num­ber, or if you are among the grow­ing num­ber of peo­ple who have dropped their land lines com­pletely in favor of using your cell phone as your pri­mary tele­phone, then you’ll need to go to the web­site and reg­is­ter.

If you don’t have inter­net access, you can go to any of the senior cen­ters or pub­lic libraries.

The good news is you can reg­is­ter a num­ber of addresses. For instance, if you work in one town and live in another, you can reg­is­ter both addresses and get warn­ings for storms, tor­na­does, and other emer­gen­cies per­tain­ing to both loca­tions.

The new inter­net based sys­tem is meant to aug­ment, but not yet replace, the county’s storm sirens.

Offi­cials say they hope to have the web­site fin­ished and on-line by next month.

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