Fair Pres Steps Down

Jamie Egler, cit­ing per­sonal rea­sons, has turned in his res­ig­na­tion from the Williams County Senior Fair Board, effec­tive retroac­tively to April 28 accord­ing to the Bryan Times.

Egler was first elected board pres­i­dent two years ago. He served as vice pres­i­dent for two years before that.

All in all, Egler has been on the board a total of six years, and in addi­tion to that time, he also vol­un­teered with the board for a num­ber years ear­lier.

In ten­der­ing his res­ig­na­tion as Pres­i­dent, Egler said he hopes to vol­un­teer with the board in the future.

Eugene Wil­son, the cur­rent vice pres­i­dent, will take Egler’s place effec­tive immediately.

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