Spangler Choosed New Leader

A new leader for an estab­lished area com­pany…

Bill Mar­tin is now the new pres­i­dent and chief finan­cial offi­cer of the Span­gler Candy Com­pany.

Mar­tin is the company’s eighth pres­i­dent and he is the first non-family-member to hold the posi­tion in the his­tory of the 108-year-old com­pany.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, Kirk Vashaw, a fourth gen­er­a­tion Span­gler fam­ily mem­ber, will remain chief exec­u­tive offi­cer.

Mar­tin, his wife, and their four chil­dren live in Bryan, where he belongs to the Bryan Rotary, Bryan Area Foun­da­tion, Bryan Ath­letic Boost­ers and St. Patrick Catholic Church.

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