Fiber artists from through­out the region will be at Sauder Vil­lage Sat­ur­day shar­ing their love of turn­ing fibers into fin­ished prod­ucts as Focus on the Fiber Arts takes an in-depth look at the world of fiber arts.

Guests will have an oppor­tu­nity to weave on a floor loom, try bob­bin lace mak­ing, card wool, try drop spin­dle spin­ning and pet an angora rab­bit.

There also will be hand-woven scarves, knit­ting and cro­chet­ing yarns and sup­plies, hand­made pot­tery yarn bowls, dyes, tat­ted dol­lies and other hand-knitted items for sale.

Sauder Vil­lage is open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat­ur­day. Kids 5 and under are admit­ted free of charge.

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