Foodbanks Get Awards In Ohio

The Ohio Asso­ci­a­tion of Food­banks has been awarded a fed­eral Nav­i­ga­tor grant by the Cen­ters for Medicare and Med­ic­aid Ser­vices, mark­ing the third con­sec­u­tive year the grant has been awarded to the CMS. The $2 mil­lion grant will allow them to pro­vide Nav­i­ga­tor ser­vices through­out Ohio, edu­cat­ing con­sumers about afford­able health care cov­er­age options and help­ing them to enroll in plans avail­able through the federally-facilitated Health Insur­ance Mar­ket­place. The CMS con­sor­tium has par­tic­i­pated in nearly 4,000 out­reach and enroll­ment events in all 88 coun­ties in Ohio to date. Open enroll­ment for 2016 plans begins Novem­ber 1, and if you need more infor­ma­tion or would like to setup an appoint­ment for the upcom­ing open enroll­ment period, you can call 1–800-648‑1176 or visit are you cov­ered ohio dot org

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