Sidewalk Bids To Be Opened In Defiance

Bids will be opened this week in Defi­ance for a side­walk repair pro­gram. 32 sec­tions of side­walk in the city will be repaired at an esti­mated cost of right around $26,000. It’s already been bud­geted for, with the city set­ting aside $30,000 for the work in the 2015 cap­i­tal improve­ments bud­get. This time around though will be dif­fer­ent, in that indi­vid­ual prop­erty own­ers will not be assessed as they were when repairs were done pre­vi­ously. Some trees will also have to be removed before some of the side­walks are repaired. The side­walk work in Defi­ance, accord­ing to the bid specs, must be com­pleted by Oct. 30th.

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