Former Principal Indicted-May Face Prison Time

A Williams County grand jury met Wednes­day and returned indict­ments against six peo­ple.

Among those indicted was the for­mer prin­ci­pal at Lin­coln Ele­men­tary in Bryan.

Tamara… or “Tammy” Dar­row has been indicted on a felony theft charge. Dar­row is accused of steal­ing grant funds from the school. The indict­ment alleges that Dar­row, while she was employed as a prin­ci­pal with the Bryan City School Dis­trict, mis­ap­pro­pri­ated cer­tain grant funds which she was in charge of, for per­sonal use.

Dar­row was only the pric­i­pal for a very short period of time too. Her term as prin­ci­pal began on Aug. 1. She was placed on leave begin­ning Aug. 26, fol­low­ing the ini­ti­a­tion of an inves­ti­ga­tion by the Bryan City School dis­trict into the miss­ing funds.

Dar­row turned in her let­ter of res­ig­na­tion on Octo­ber 9th, in which she said that she was leav­ing due to what she termed “per­sonal rea­sons”.

The indict­ment handed down by the grand jury, alleges that Dar­row com­mit­ted the crime between April 1 and Oct. 9 of this year. No spe­cific details, includ­ing exactly how much money Dar­row is alleged to have mis­ap­pro­pri­ated, were released, because offi­cials say both the inves­ti­ga­tion and the adding up of the total amount miss­ing are still both ongo­ing. The indict­ment does how­ever, pin the amount as being between $1,000 and $7,500.

If con­victed on the charge, which is a felony, Dar­row could spend up to a year in prison.

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