Four County ADAMhs Gets Clean Audit

The Four County ADAMhs Board received a clean audit from the state auditor’s office for 2014. In fact, things looked so good that the state even waived the need for an exit inter­view. That was good news, but even bet­ter news came when the board learned late last week, that it was get­ting a check for more than $500,000 from the Ohio Depart­ment of Men­tal Health and Addic­tion Ser­vices for using almost none of its Cen­tral Phar­macy bud­get for psy­chi­atric med­ica­tions. Instead of keep­ing the money, the state gave the board the unused por­tion to spend on men­tal health ser­vices. It was noted that it wasn’t all that long ago, when the cost of psy­chi­atric med­ica­tions for clients who could not afford them reached almost $900,000. Last week, the group also announced that Health Part­ners’ Bryan Health Cen­ter is on tar­get to open by the end of the year, when it will pro­vide den­tal ser­vices, pri­mary care and a phar­macy to the entire com­mu­nity. When open, The Bryan Health Cen­ter will accept most insur­ance, includ­ing Medicaid.

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