The Defi­ance State High­way Patrol Post is inves­ti­gat­ing a crash that occurred on Plat­ter Creek road, south of Jeri­cho road, in Defi­ance County.

The crash occurred around 12:05 am Fri­day morn­ing.

The dri­ver, 344 year old Jason Edds of Cecil, Ohio, was first taken by ambu­lance to the Defi­ance Regional Med­ical Cen­ter and then by Promed­ica heli­copter to the Uni­ver­sity of Toledo Med­ical Cen­ter.

Police say Edds was dri­ving a 2002 Ford Explorer south­bound on Plat­ter Creek road, when he ran off the road and then hit sev­eral trees, before com­ing to rest in a sec­tion of woods. He was extri­cated from the vehi­cle by the Jaws of Life.

Alco­hol is believed to be a fac­tor. The crash remains under investigation.

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