Fulton County Courts

An Arch­bold man is now fac­ing charges of felo­nious assault and attempted mur­der. 20 year old Pre­ston Klopfen­stein was indicted by a Ful­ton County grand jury. Pros­e­cu­tors allege that on Sept. 23, Klopfen­stein engaged in con­duct that, if suc­cess­ful, would have resulted in the deaths of his mother, Holly Klopfen­stein, and mem­bers of the Arch­bold Police Depart­ment. He also allegedly caused seri­ous phys­i­cal harm to his mother. It was on that day that Arch­bold Police were called to a home on Quail Run for a reported domes­tic inci­dent. When they arrived, they found that Pre­ston Klopfen­stein had allegedly injured his mother with a knife, and he had a rifle. Pre­ston at first refused to leave the house, result­ing in offi­cers sur­round­ing it and even­tu­ally enter­ing, tak­ing him into cus­tody. His mother, Holly Klopfen­stein, was treated at the Ful­ton County Health Cen­ter. Pre­ston was taken to the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio. In seper­ate cases, 29 year old Ben­jamin Kel­ley of Wauseon, was indicted this week on a charge of grand theft of a motor vehi­cle, and 43 year old Jason Schlot­man of Maineville, was charged with ille­gal use of a minor in nudity-oriented mate­r­ial or performance.

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