Fulton County Sheriff’s Office Has A New Officer

There’s a new dog in town…

The Ful­ton County Sheriff’s Office now has a new K-9. The dog’s name is Mag­gie, and she is a 2-year old Ger­man shep­herd, who is being han­dled by Deputy Jeremy Simon.

Fol­low­ing six weeks of ini­tial train­ing, Mag­gie began her duties with the Sheriff’s Office on July 22nd.

Her train­ing isn’t over yet though. It will con­tinue for at least once a week as train­ers work her through var­i­ous sce­nar­ios, such as area and build­ing searches and offi­cer pro­tec­tion.

Right now, Deputy Simon and Mag­gie are still get­ting to know each other. Simon says it gen­er­ally takes about a year of bond­ing before a dog and han­dler fully trust one another.

Many K-9s are trained using Ger­man com­mands. Mag­gie how­ever, has been trained in both Ger­man and Czech lan­guages.

Mag­gie is a fully-trained attack dog, but yet so highly trained that she can be taken into a preschool with no safety worries.

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