Garza Benefit Planned For Saturday

A ben­e­fit for the Garza fam­ily of Defi­ance is planned for this Sat­ur­day at the UAW hall.

The Garza fam­ily lost four mem­bers recently and funds will be used for their funeral and other expenses.Things will kick off at 11 a.m. with reg­is­tra­tion for a Texas Hold-em poker tour­na­ment, that will begin at noon.

The event will also fea­ture a raf­fle and silent auc­tion, start­ing at 4 p.m., live music from “Ele­ments!” and a DJ. A cake­walk will take place at 4 p.m. and there will be a game in which chil­dren can par­tic­i­pate.

Din­ner will start at 5:30 p.m., with car­ry­out avail­able. The price will be $7.

Chicken enchi­ladas and faji­tas, tacos, tamales, rice and beans and a bev­er­age will be served.

To con­tribute an item for the silent auc­tion, call Corey at 419–980-8298; Kas­san­dra at 419–789-8804; or Janelle at 419–980-7070. Those who want to drop off items for the auc­tion can bring them to the UAW hall on Sat­ur­day, no later than 10 a.m.

If you would like to give funds to the Garza fam­ily, you can make out a check to the Garza Fam­ily Ben­e­fit which can be taken to any Mid­west Com­mu­nity Fed­eral Credit Union.

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