Street Paving Planned In Defiance

The street resur­fac­ing pro­gram in the City of Defi­ance should be get­ting under­way in the next cou­ple months.

Defi­ance City Coun­cil has approved an ordi­nance allow­ing for that work to be con­tracted, as well as a res­o­lu­tion con­cern­ing a prop­erty that had been the sub­ject of recent annex­a­tion con­tro­versy.

The Cres­cent News says coun­cil passed five leg­isla­tive items and let lie a sixth at their most recent meet­ing.

The resur­fac­ing con­tract totals $133,795.

The work is expected to be under­taken at the begin­ning of sum­mer.

An emer­gency res­o­lu­tion declar­ing ser­vices to be pro­vided to a lit­tle more than 12 acres pro­posed for annex­a­tion in sec­tion 18 of Rich­land Town­ship was also approved fol­low­ing a first read­ing.

The annex­a­tion must still be approved by county com­mis­sion­ers before it goes to coun­cil for final passage.

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