The thought of annex­a­tion of the Gen­eral Motors Defi­ance Cast­ing Oper­a­tions plant by the city of Defi­ance has gen­er­ated a less than enthu­si­as­tic response from GM offi­cials.

Defi­ance is pro­vid­ing water ser­vice to the plant, and there­fore it falls under the list of prop­er­ties that the city is tar­get­ing for forced annex­a­tion in an effort to expand the city bor­ders. Other annex­a­tions have already occured.

GM has replied to the city’s request, say­ing that GM is cur­rently review­ing the finan­cial, oper­a­tional and legal ram­i­fi­ca­tions to the plant of the pro­posed annex­a­tion into the city of Defi­ance in order to deter­mine if the pro­ceed­ings will lessen their com­pet­i­tive advan­tage or neg­a­tively impact their busi­ness. Gm said it will advise the city of find­ings but will have no fur­ther com­ment on the city’s pro­posed action until their review is com­pleted.

Defi­ance Mayor Bob Arm­strong told reporters that the annex­a­tion let­ter did not go over well with GM.

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