A Williams County Grand Jury on Mon­day released it’s list of indict­ments. All in all, 14 peo­ple were indicted, one remains secret. The oth­ers are:

28 year old Matthew Goebel of Edger­ton; 60 year old Ronald Snider of Bryan; 50 year old Larry McIn­toxh of Bryan; 24 year old Shane Con­rad of West Unity; 24 year old Joshua Bader of West Unity; 41 year old Genaro Rodriquez of Cal­i­for­nia; 25 year old Kyle Hick­man of Mont­pe­lier; 27 year old Robert Plotts of Hol­gate; 42 year old Robert O’Brien of Mont­pe­lier; 25 year old Edgar San­tana of Texas; 24 year old Bran­don John of West Unity; 26 year old Can­dice Camp­bell of Bryan; and 22 year old Ben­jamin Maag of Mont­pe­lier. All were indicted on var­i­ous charges.

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